02 Jan

My Dear Parishioners: Happy New Year to you!  It is hard to believe that it is 2023 already!  In everything our faith tells us that we must always give...

19 Dec

St. Joseph is rightly revered for his contribution to our eternal salvation. He must have been devastated by the news that Mary, his betrothed wife, was...

13 Dec

John the Baptist challenged people to identify and acknowledge the error and evil in their lives. He baptized them with water as a sign of their decision to...

05 Dec

To properly prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus in a cave in the hills of Bethlehem more than two thousand years ago it is helpful to recall our Baptism. ...

29 Nov

Women do not carry large purses with at least one every item they or their children may possibly need because they like carrying heavy objects or exercising...

21 Nov

We should all long to hear Jesus speak those words to us.  And, if we are good stewards and caretakers of all of the gifts God has given to us (all that...

14 Nov

Jesus grew up in the small village of Nazareth on top of a craggy mountain in the northern part of Israel.  Like the vast majority of the people of his day he...

08 Nov

The best teachers provide information and teach us to ask the right questions.  Facts should lead to the questions, “Who, what, why, when, how and why...

01 Nov

Are there any like Zacchaeus among us?  Can any of us say “I shall give HALF of my possessions to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone I will repay them...

25 Oct

Jesus tells of a Pharisee and a tax collector in the temple to pray.  Actually, the Pharisee went to the temple to brag: “O God, I thank you I am not like...

18 Oct

Sadly that describes many people in power in the time of Jesus and in our own time. But Jesus describes a woman whose persistence moves the self centered judge...

08 Oct

Would we have been the one who returned to thank Jesus? Or would we have been one of the nine? Gratitude begins with the awareness that  someone has done...
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