25 Oct

  Parents and care givers who send a child off to college or to a different city to live on their own may observe that their child gradually...

17 Oct

  Jesus told many parables. They were stories, not necessarily based on fact, but that communicated an important truth. Jesus used parables to get the...

09 Oct

  A wise employer who paid above average wages and provided very good benefits would tell all of his new hires, and remind his existing employees,...

02 Sep

Today’s gospel is the continuation of what we read last week. Last week, when Jesus asked His apostles who do they that He is ? Peter gave the right answer...

24 Jul

 In today’s Gospel passage we hear Jesus use parables to compare the kingdom of God, two about seeds and one that compares yeast mixed with flour. The...

19 Jul

The people who heard Jesus tell the parable of the sower would have understood: seeds that fall on fertile ground would have a better chance of producing...

09 Jun

Today is Corpus Christi, the feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus. We are celebrating the core and center of our catholic faith.  We are celebrating a special...

08 May

Throughout the Easter season, we hear the story of the earliest Christian communities in readings from the Acts of the Apostles.  We hear how the people...

19 Apr

“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”  “On the evening of that first day of the week” Jesus appeared to his disciples who were in a...

12 Apr

The Lord is risen indeed.  Christ’s body did not remain in the tomb, but was raised to new life, and our own bodies will join Him in glory.  It is a great...

04 Apr

In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus teaches us that prayer is not so much about what we say to God, but about what we are willing to hear from God. When we are...
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