“There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected any human being.”

Sadly that describes many people in power in the time of Jesus and in our own time. But Jesus describes a woman whose persistence moves the self centered judge to render a just judgment. Notice that Jesus does not say that the judge ruled in favor of the woman. Just that his decision was JUST. That is what the woman was so persistent to obtain. In contrast to that judge, God wants what is right and just for us. But that may not be what we want. We should pray for God to  reveal what HE wants FOR US. Often our prayer is what WE want FROM GOD. When we are persistent in prayer to learn God’s will for us we grow in our faith. Such faith is not easy. Even St. Theresa of Calcutta had periods of doubt, but she prayed to discern God’s will for her and did it regardless of her doubt. We may not achieve the accomplishments and gain the notoriety of St. Theresa, but we can be persistent in prayer to know God’s will for us. God does not ask any more of us than that. But he does ask that.