“The kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”


A wise employer who paid above average wages and provided very good benefits would tell all of his new hires, and remind his existing employees, “If you do your job you get to keep it.” He treated his employees like family and they learned they could come to him with problems and concerns, and he would help if he was able. “Say what you mean and do what you say” was another of his many expressions. He expected his employees to do their job and be honest with him, with each other and with the customers, and to treat each other as family. This wise employer knew that Jesus was teaching the chief priest and elders of his day, and us today, that God our Father and the Creator of His Kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven” has given each of us a vast array of talents, abilities and gifts that He expects us to use for our own benefit and to share with others. If we fail or refuse to do so He will take his Kingdom from us and give it to “people that will produce its fruits.”