“I am the true vine and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit.”

 Anyone who tries to produce fruits, nuts or vegetables understands that if a plant or vine or tree or branch is not producing or dies, it is just wasting space. It should be pruned or replaced. Jesus tells us that “My Father is the Vine Grower,” He is the vine and we are the branches. God has created or “planted” each human being in His world with a vast array of talents, abilities and gifts that He is entitled to expect us to discover, accept, develop, and use to the best of our ability for our own benefit and the benefit of others. He is entitled to expect us to be productive. If we fail we are like the unproductive plant, vine, tree or dead branch. We are just wasting space. As we continue to celebrate Easter, the Pasch and the Resurrection, the sacrifices of Jesus and the joy of the Resurrection as our hope for eternal life, we should ask, “Am I as productive as my Creator expects?” If not, why not? How can I become more productive? Here is a hint: Get to know Jesus by reading Scripture. Then imitate Him. You will become very “productive.”