“…”…she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.”

Sunday Message
Sunday Message
"..."...she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.”
Today’s readings speak about generosity and sacrificial giving . Every day we give back to God our talents, our time and our treasure . We give back to God the blessings we have received. In doing so, we recognize that all we have and all we are,  belong to God and we are grateful people.  Today we are called to reflect about what kind the giver we are and if we give back to God what we are suppose to give.  So often the Hispanics ask me questions about how much money they have to put in collection basket. My response to them is the same : We have to give back to God with faith that God will provide, we give back to God like Jesus gave his life for us, He is our example.

That is what we see in today’s readings. The two widows gave all they had, they gave with faith, trusting  that God will provide. Their stories are touching because they were the poorest, but they gave all. Their generosity and sacrificial giving attract the attention of the Church . Also, their generosity reflects the supreme sacrifice of Jesus who gave his life for us.

So, the two widows are our inspiration in giving back to God the blessings we have received.  In our first reading , the prophet Elijah asked that widow to prepare for him a bread. In reply, the widow responded and said that she had the last bit of the food, just for one day.  But the prophet Elijah said to her : Do not be afraid. Give with faith and God will provide . In doing so, the widow received more than what she gave.

This is the message for us today : Sacrificial giving. Like that widow, many of us are facing financial problem, the economy is tough.  But today I play the role of prophet Elijah and I ask you to support the 300 ways to change the world. Knowing  that you have made plan for Christmas, I may ask you to support the mission of the church you love. The church depends of your generosity.

Knowing that the economy is tough, I ask you to support our project to change the world.  I want you to be part of this project. In giving back to God, in support of the 300 ways to change the world, you receive more than the money we give. Before  you write your check  to support the 300 ways to change the world, say a prayer, offer to God your joy, your concerns, your family, your job, your life.  We pray, we ask God to help to become more compassionate people.