Novena to St. Paul the Apostle for Spiritual Conversion 

 Jan 15, 2019 by Ashley Olik 

Have you ever had a “lightning bolt” moment in your spiritual life? This “lightning moment” might be exactly like it sounds: a striking, unmistakable moment of enlightenment. It could be a line from a book that strikes you to the core and becomes imprinted on your heart, as happened with St. Augustine. It could be an encounter with a friend or stranger that shakes your understanding of the world and your place in it. It could be an interior voice from God inviting you to drastically change your lifestyle.   Lightning moments aren’t always loud. For Elijah, it came through the sound of sheer silence (1 Kings 19:12). This enlightenment can also happen through a series of tiny moments that add up over time, or a subtle moment that turns your eyes just enough so that, from then on, your path shifts in a new direction. Regardless of the details, the moment is an invitation to change something an invitation to convert your heart. 


Saintly Inspiration 

A number of saints illustrate the journey of conversion with particular vividness. St. Augustine, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. Dismas (the Good Thief) come to mind. But perhaps the most well-known and well-beloved of conversion saints is St. Paul the Apostle, who, in an instant, changed from “Christian-killer” to “Christ-proclaimer.” Chances are…, you’re most likely not actively persecuting Christians and in need of a complete 180-degree change in regards to your lifestyle. However, regardless of our current circumstances, or how well-off we believe we are humanly and spiritually, we ALL need times of intentional conversion in our lives. We all need conversion because no one is perfect. Everyone who has the joy of knowing God should continuously strive to build (or rebuild) God’s kingdom in his or her heart. 


Our Response 

The feast of the Conversion of St. Paul falls on January 25th. With that in mind, we invite you to join us in a Novena for Conversion. Even if the conversion you seek right now seems small or unimportant (to grow in a specific virtue or leave behind a particular weakness that leads you to sin, for example) it’s still important to ask for St. Paul’s intercession and guidance. You can also take this opportunity to pray for a family member who has fallen away from the Church, or a friend who is on a destructive path and hasn’t yet encountered the love of Christ. Along with your own personal intentions, we will pray for a particular intention, or for a specific group of people that they might experience greater conversion of heart. 

Please join us January 16-24 as we pray together for conversion of heart and life!