“You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned?”

Too little salt in our diet can lead to serious dehydration. But too much salt in our diet can cause unhealthy fluid retention and high blood pressure. Like most things in life, we should try to achieve balance and moderation. Jesus says salt that loses it flavor is useless, except to be trampled under foot. Jesus’ use of the image of salt was not about concern for flavoring food or even the effect of salt on the health of his disciples. He was challenging them to identify, develop and use all of the unique array of talents abilities and gifts God had given them for their own benefit and enjoyment and for the benefit and enjoyment of others. He also challenges us. If we fail or refuse to use our gifts, imagine how we will feel when the day comes that we see Jesus face to face and he says, “You were created to be the salt of the earth. Did you season and improve your life and the lives of others? Or were you like salt that has lost its flavor and is not good for anything?