St. Luke tells us of the baptism of Jesus by John in the River Jordan. This was an important event in the life of Jesus and the salvation history of mankind. The submission of Jesus to baptism by John with water as an act of repentance and reform was very significant to the men who wrote the Gospels many years after the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. The humility of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity to be baptized by the man who, by his own testimony, was “A voice of one crying out in the desert: Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths” is an example for us. Are we humble like Jesus? Are we aware of our mission like John? Are we willing to repent and reform for the times we have failed to accept our mission? Can we acknowledge that everything we have and everything we ever will be is a gift from God? Do we realize that He wants us to use our gifts for our own benefit and the benefit of others? Can we be humble like Jesus, particularly in difficulty times? Do we do our best to “prepare the way of the Lord?