“Whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.”

Jesus was caring, kind and loving. But he was not subtle. He spoke bluntly about his mission and message to the people of his day and to all who would come to believe in him. He clearly stated the conditions to be his disciple and the consequences for those who did not accept those conditions. That caused many people to choose not to follow him. He did not chase after them and beg them to stay or offer them an easier path. We do not know their names. Those who chose to remain as disciples of Jesus would eventually learn and understand the consequences of their decision. They followed Jesus because they had faith in him; because he told them about a loving God; because he demonstrated that love to them; because he was unequivocal and honest. We know the names of many of them. There are streets, cities, churches and children named after them. That is not why they risked all to follow Jesus. They were happy to live another day to tell others about Jesus. But that is why they are remembered, loved and honored.