Welcome Fr. Will Thompson


Greetings Sts. Joseph and Paul Parish!

It is with great joy that I introduce myself to you all. Who am I? Well of course you will know my name, but please allow me to give a brief introduction. I am Fr. Will Thompson, and I am a man in Christ, a man of the Church and a man for others. This simple prayer and reminder is something that I pray every day. It reminds me that I am united to Christ first and foremost. It also reminds me that as a priest I am a man of the Church, constantly loving and seeking to serve Christ in the Church. It also reminds me that I did not become a priest for myself, but for others. A priest is one who offers sacrifice, this sacrifice is not for himself but for the good of others.

With that brief introduction, just a little history about myself. I am the oldest son of Gary and Melinda Thompson. My younger brother lives with his wife and daughter in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. My little sister lives and works in Nashville, Tennessee. My parents still live in Cadiz, Kentucky. Hopefully, over the coming years you will be able to know and meet them.


I look forward to serving in the parish and to getting to know you all. I do ask for your patience in this transition. It will take time, but please do me a favor for the next couple of weeks and introduce yourself as often as you see me to assist me in getting to know you. Over the last year, this parish has undergone several transitions and my hope is that the transition of my joining the parish community is one that brings you all joy. I know it is difficult to say goodbye to those you have grown to know and love; however, I also know that in life such transitions can bring great life and joy to a community.  I am thankful for the good work that Father Basilio has done and will continue to do in his next assignment. I am also grateful for the good work that Father Kalombo continues to do here in the parish. I look forward to working alongside him in this ministry.


My hope is that my time in the parish is one that enhances the many gifts of the parish. As you may be aware, I am currently transitioning from Washington, D.C. I have spent the last two years working to finish a J.C.L. in Canon Law. Which means that in addition to being a priest, I am also a canon lawyer working within the diocese. A canon lawyer focuses upon just relationships within the Church. Canon lawyers are mostly known through their work in the marriage tribunals of the Church. However, canon lawyers consistently seek to ensure that justice and truth are sought in the life of the Church. As such, even though I will be working here in the parish, I also have the double role of working in the marriage tribunal of the diocese. As such, I do ask for your prayers in this endeavor. Do know of my joy at being here and know of my prayers for you all.

In Christ,


Fr. Thompson