
 By: Laura Shoulders

I was 16 years old and just beginning my senior year of high school when I discovered I was pregnant. It was a difficult time. You see, I was an athlete and an honor student, and the possibilities for my future were without limit… until this. I believe it was out of fear and pride that certain members of my family tried to convince me to have an abortion.  However, I was unyielding in my belief that life begins at conception, and adamantly refused.

At the end of my senior year of high school, I gave birth to a beautiful, blue-eyed baby girl named Kindle. While our story wasn’t without struggle and hardships, it truly is HIS story. God has woven a beautiful tapestry of color and splendor from the various seasons of our lives, and I shudder to think of life without her. I shudder to think of life without my grandson, her son, Karson. I’m living the glorious ripple effect of my decision to choose life. And as for that future without limit… I’d say eternity with Our Heavenly Father is a perfect destination.