Pentecost (from the Greek word for “fiftieth”) is the day the Apostles discerned and accepted the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim Jesus Christ to people from many nations, cultures, languages and religious beliefs. The people listening to them came from many countries heard the Apostles in their own tongue. Amazing! More amazing is that people with a variety of religious beliefs came to believe in Jesus. Later Paul wrote to Christians in Corinth, a seaport city with people from many nations, cultures, languages and religious beliefs. He told them something so obvious we often forget it: Each of us is a person with a unique array of talents, abilities and gifts that God has given to us to use for ourselves and for others – material wealth, intelligence, artistic talent, athletic ability, the gift of music, and many others. God intends for us to enjoy them ourselves and to share them with others. How are we doing with that?