“This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.”

Imagine you are flying in a perfectly good airplane and someone you love says, “If you love me you will do as I do” and then jumps out of that perfectly good plane and pulls the cord on a parachute. An attendant on the plan helps you strap on a parachute.  What would you do for your loved one? At the Last Supper Jesus told his disciples “Love one another as I love you.” He had just told them, “If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love.”  Several times previously he had told them what God told Moses and the prophets to tell the Israelite people: “Love your God with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus had also told his followers to “Love your enemies.” Then, just before going out to be falsely arrested, brutally tortured and nailed to a cross, Jesus said, “Love one another as I love you.” Jumping out of a plane with a parachute may not seem so bad. But, how are we doing that “love one another as I love you” thing? It was not a request. It was a command!