Ever since the first human being considered the possibility of life after death there have been speculations and theories about what such life would be. Various cultures and religions have given it names such as Nirvana Buddhist], Tian [Chinese], Heaven [Christian]. In two parables Jesus teaches the people of his day, and us, so we are “able to understand it,” about the “Kingdom of God.” He is talking about the “Kingdom” that we pray will “come on earth as it is in heaven” every time we say the Our Father. He tells us that we must be like small seeds that are scattered and grow into large plants and produce much bounty. In allegorical terms he is proclaiming that God created us with many talents, abilities and gifts that He expects us to spend a lifetime to discover, accept, develop and use for OUR OWN benefit and enjoyment, AND for the benefit and enjoyment of OTHERS so His Kingdom will “come, on earth as it is in heaven.”