“Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

The parable of the five wise virgins who brought extra oil and the five unwise who did not seems to suggest that Jesus was a Boy Scout and was well aware of their motto, “Be Prepared.” It is more likely that the Boy Scouts were aware of that parable, and others, and based their motto on the teaching of Jesus.

People who live in areas prone to hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, blizzards and other climate or geology related events know the value of being prepared. Jesus clearly meant that being prepared involved more than having an extra vile of oil for a lamp or the right supplies and equipment in the event of an emergency. He intended that we should live our life always prepared to grow in the understanding and use of all the talents, abilities and gifts God has given to each of us, to the best of our ability, for ourselves and for others. That is truly “being prepared,” especially the part about using all that God has given us for others.