“The shepherd walks ahead of his sheep, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice.”


Our image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd romanticizes the role and status of the shepherd… However, Jesus was well aware that the life of a shepherd was very difficult and they were considered to be on the low level of society. Then, as today, they were called bedouins, which means “nomads.” They moved from place to place to find food and water for their flock and the flock is totally dependent on the shepherd for protection from predators and thieves. The shepherd depended on the flock for milk, meat, and wool. Such mutual dependence establishes a strong bond between shepherd and flock.

Like the good shepherds and great leaders of history, Jesus leads us from the front, with wisdom and courage. Jesus used the image of shepherd and sheep to teach the people of his day, and us, that he will always lead us to what is right and good, and we can follow him in confidence and have faith in him.

We are praying for you, we miss you and we look forward to the time when we can celebrate Mass together again. Until that time, there are many ways to still participate in Mass and interact with our parish family:

  •  Listen to Mass by phone by dialing 1-844-602-3933. By entering your phone number, you will receive a call back at 10:00 am and can listen to Mass over the phone.
  •  Masses are broadcast on Facebook at 10:00 am in English and 12 noon in Spanish at Sts. Joseph & Paul Catholic Church and Sts. Joseph and Paul Parish.
  •  Masses are broadcast on YouTube at 10:00 am in English and 12 noon in Spanish at Sts. Joseph & Paul Catholic Church.
  • Worship Guides for each weekend are posted on Facebook and our website at stjpc.org.
  • Bulletins are emailed to all households we have email addresses for and can also be found at stjpc.org.
  • One Call messages are continuing each week beginning at 11:00 am Saturdays.
  • The church is unlocked each weekday day from 8-4 pm for prayer and Fridays for Eucharistic Adoration.