Would we sell all of our possessions to go buy a “treasure” we found in a field? Would we sell some of them, and which ones would we sell? Such a treasure would have to be more valuable than the possessions we sell. What treasure could possibly be worth more than billions of dollars? It is something we all want. It is something we all can have. It is something that will last forever. It is eternal life in an intimate relationship with the Almighty and Eternal God who created us. That is the Greatest Treasure. Jesus has already secured it for us. We must be careful not to loose it. If we are aware that everything we have comes from and belongs to God, and He wants us to use it for our own benefit and enjoyment, but not get so attached to anything that we cannot let it go or use it for the benefit and enjoyment of others, we will gain the Greatest Treasure. Do we want it? What are we doing to make sure we do not loose it?