Women do not carry large purses with at least one every item they or their children may possibly need because they like carrying heavy objects or exercising their biceps. They learn from experience that it is better to have something and not need it, than to need something and not have it. Large planes and space ships have redundant mechanical and electrical systems in the event one fails. This reflects the Boy Scouts’ motto: “Be prepared!” Jesus understood that. He taught his followers, and us, to “Be prepared!” But for what? The simple answers are, “Just about anything” or “Whatever life brings us.” Jesus did not know what specifically each of us would face, but he knew that if we loved God with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength, and loved our neighbor as ourselves we would be ready to use all of the talents, abilities and gifts God has given us, to the best of our ability, for our own benefit and the benefit of others. That is being prepared. Advent is a great time to get better prepared.