The Knights of Columbus is a worldwide fraternal organization of Catholic men. We invest our time and our efforts into our core values of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. As such, we strive to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and Catholics. Through our fundraising activities, we assist the poor and disabled, and those not able to protect themselves, both locally and around the world. Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work, and in their community.
Meetings – 4th Sunday of month at 5:00pm in the Fr. Tucker Center classroom
Jan Howard – Grand Knight
Barry Strehl – Financial Secretary
Ron Daugherty – Treasurer
Eric Humphrey – Secretary
Duane Harris – Program Director
For more information click here: Join Us | Knights of Columbus (kofc.org)

March 19, 2023
Monsignor Braun Council earned the Colombian Award for 2023.
This award is presented to Councils that demonstrate significant participation by council members in programs that promote faith and spirituality or serve a charitable purpose.
March 8, 2023
Stations of the Cross
Each Lenten season the Knights of Columbus host a night of the Stations of the Cross
February 25, 2023
Council Welcomes New Member.
District Deputy Tim Molnar presides over the Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity ceremony inducting Jeff Andrini as a Third Degree member of the Order.
February 23, 2023
Spring Sausage Sale
Several Council Knights participated in making sausage that was sold after Sunday Masses. This year the Council raised over $1100.00 to be used to fund our charitable outreach.