“O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.”


Jesus speaks to the Canaanite (gentile) woman who approached Him for help in a way we might consider harsh, she was not be deterred by His initial rebuff. She persisted because she wanted help for her daughter. Jesus noted that He was sent to the house of Israel that failed to recognize Him as the Messiah because of unfounded expectations.
He sees in a non-Israelite woman the faith that was lacking in the house of Israel. The woman had no such  expectations. She had a personal encounter with Jesus; she saw what he did and believed what he said. She knew she could turn to Him and He could help her daughter. Jesus proclaims that she is a person of great faith and her wish will be fulfilled.  What is the nature of our faith in Jesus, unfounded expectations that are an obstacle to true belief in Him or a personal relationship with Him as Messiah and Lord?

Will Jesus tell us “Great is your faith. Let it be done for you as you wish.”