07 Mar

Now there’s a scary thought. Jesus, the Word made Flesh, Son of God and Son of Mary, is tempted by the devil - not just once, but again and again.  How was...

02 Mar

In the time of Jesus large cities like Jerusalem and some smaller towns had markets where people could go to vendors who brought their produce, fish and meats...

23 Feb

Is there someone your really don't like?  Or is there someone you feel you hate.  Hopefully you have come to realize that such feelings about people are...

06 Feb

Fishing is a difficult and dangerous way to make a living. The profits sometimes do not justify the perspiration and the peril. And it is highly unlikely that...

01 Feb

If we become a star athlete or acquire great wealth our high school or home town may honor us as "Person of the Year" or dedicate a plaque to us.  But if we...

21 Jan

"Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." The question of when Jesus knew he was the Messiah has been debated since not long after he died...

12 Jan

St. Luke tells us of the baptism of Jesus by John in the River Jordan.  This was an important event in the life of Jesus and the salvation history of...

03 Jan

Happy New Year. Believe it or not we are in 2022, New Year ….New hope.  New start.  It is a gift from God.  We are still in the season of Christmas. ...

27 Dec

My dear parishioners: Happy New Year to you! In everything our faith tells us that we must always give thanks and praise to God, the Father Almighty.  I am...

21 Dec

Christmas is almost here.  This Sunday is the last day of Advent.  In a few hours, we will join together again to celebrate Christmas Eve, the first day of...

13 Dec

Rejoice in the Lord.  Be happy.  Rejoice.  Today is a special Sunday.  Traditionally we call that Laudate Sunday, or Rejoice Sunday, because Laudate is a...

06 Dec

Today, the second Sunday of Advent, we focus on John the Baptist, one of the great prophets in the story of salvation.  He prepared the people to receive...
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