“My son, you are here with me always. Everything I have is yours.”

Jesus tells the story of the man with two sons, one who leaves his father and squanders his possessions. Despite of his son’s ingratitude, the father longs for his son’s return. The ungrateful son sinks so low he realizes his mistake and chooses to return to his father to beg forgiveness. The other son is angered by his father’s act of love and compassion for the son who abandoned and hurt him. In a similar story in the Talmud an ungrateful son is too ashamed to take the first step to return to his father. His father sends him a note, “Son, come back as far as you can, and I will come the rest of the way!” God has given us all that we have, all that we are and all that we ever will be. Are we sometimes ungrateful for all that God has given to us? Have we failed to use it as God intended? Have we abandoned God’s plan for us? Probably!!!! But He longs for our return. If we take the first step, He comes the rest of the way to us. Our God is an Awesome God.