A wedding feast in the time of Jesus lasted a week or more. Some guest traveled long distances on foot. They stayed several days to celebrate, recuperate, and prepare for their return home. The host provided food and wine during their stay, and for their return. When Mary told Jesus, “They have no wine” she was not only concerned about the embarrassment of the host, but for the welfare of the guest. Jesus was not unconcerned, but he was not ready to draw attention to himself. The love of his Mother moved him to action. Mary’s faith in Jesus is revealed in her instructions to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” Mary’s last words recorded in Scripture are directed, not only the servants, but to all disciples of Jesus. She is speaking to us. The full implications of her words would not be known until the Last Supper when Jesus tells his disciples to “Love one another as I have loved you,” and then goes out to be crucified. If we are open to Jesus in prayer, doing whatever Jesus tells us can be unfamiliar, inconvenient, unpleasant, or risky. The apostles did what Jesus told them. Are we doing what Jesus tells us?