After his Resurrection Jesus reveals Himself for a third time to seven of His disciples who have been fishing all night on the Sea of Tiberias [Galilee]. He ask them, “Children, have you caught anything to eat?” In many ways their faith was like that of a child. The scene is a reminder of His first call to them to become fishers of men. Jesus prepares and shares with them a breakfast of the fish they caught. Three times Jesus ask Simon Peter, “Do you love me?” Peter, who had denied Jesus three times, now proclaims his love for Jesus three times, then adds, “Lord you know everything; you know that I love you.” Peter reveals that his faith in Jesus has matured. When we encounter Jesus in the people and events in our life He is asking us, “Do you love me?” How do we respond? Is our faith in Jesus like that of a child. Or is it constantly maturing such that we have no doubt that He is God and that He knows what is in our heart? Is our faith in Jesus as strong as Simon Peter? How do we demonstrate our faith in Jesus?