Rejoice in the Lord. Be happy. Rejoice. Today is a special Sunday. Traditionally we call that Laudate Sunday, or Rejoice Sunday, because Laudate is a Latin word which means rejoice. We are called to be joyful people. Catholics and believers, we are called to rejoice. God created us to be happy. And God wants us to be happy. Today is rejoice Sunday. Joy belongs to the Christian and is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. If there is no joy among Christians, something is missing in the proclamation of the gospel. Christians, believers we are joyful people. Now, you may wonder why the Church calls this third Sunday of Advent, Rejoice Sunday. Why we should be happy? What is the secret to being happy? What is the cause of this joy? And how to be happy in the midst of the violence, pandemic, and poverty in the world? Today’s readings give us the reasons to be happy. The prophet Zephaniah in the first reading says that we should be happy because the Lord we are expecting is already among us. He is with us. He is living in our soul. We rejoice and we should be joyful people because we know that the one who comes to save us, is already with us. He is in the midst of the brokenness, injustice, even when we are facing hard times. God is with us here and now. God is the source of our joy. He is working within everyone of us. This is the source of the joy we are invited to. That is the prophet says: “Shout for joy… Sing joyfully…. Be glad. In the same line, Saint Paul tells us that we should be happy, we should rejoice always in the Lord because the Christ is near. Rejoice always in the Lord. Be happy… We should be happy not because everything is going well with us right now, not because our health and finances are in great shape, not even because someone gave us a big Christmas present, but simply because the Lord is near. Paul’s message is powerful. He is teaching us not only by word but by example as well. Because he wrote this message when he was in prison in Rome for preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. In spite of the conditions in which he found himself, Saint Paul tells us that we should not be worried we have to trust God. And bring everything and every situation to God no matter what the problem we are facing. That beautiful advice from Saint Paul for us in this time of Advent. In the gospel, John the Baptist brings us a good news. He is saying that we find our joy and happiness when we share with needy people our time, our talents and our treasure. Gifts evoke joy in those who give and those who receive. Also, John the Baptist is telling us that we find our joy and happiness when we take care of the needy people around us. And when we please God by doing what is right. In this context, I have to say that Saints Joseph and Paul Parish is generous community because there is a good spirit among us, a spirit of sharing. It is amazing to see how people are ready to share and to serve. This is the heart of Christmas. My brothers and sisters, Christian joy needs to be shared to the people around us. Because we have to show the joy that Christ is with us. He lives in us. Let us pray….let us ask God the gift of joy. Rejoice in the Lord, always. Be happy!