Socrates observed, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Throughout history people have been harmed or killed, and resources have been wasted, by people in power who were too ignorant to know what they did not know and people who know what they promote or impose on others is not true, but do it for reasons of prestige or profit or power. Jesus knew that the Pharisees, and the more powerful Sadducees, imposed laws and requirements on the uneducated people that they either knew, or were not certain, were not what God intended but served their own purposes. The false teaching that illness or injuries were a sign of punishment from God is an example. Jesus healed the man blind from birth to challenge that teaching and the wisdom of those who used it to control and oppress people. Do we have the wisdom to know that there is much about God and our Catholic faith that we do not know? Are we wise enough to accept that we must constantly seek truth? Jesus expects nothing less?