Jesus knew that his disciples who witnessed his life, death and resurrection; who learned from his actions; and who listened to his teachings, would one day pass away. Other generations would believe in Him through the word of the eye witnesses. Jesus also knew others would only believe the witnesses if their words matched their actions. Jesus intended that each generation be the custodian and steward of faith in Him, and that each generation has the responsibility to pass on that faith by word and action, by what they say and do. To pass on a true faith we must know our faith. To know our faith we must study and learn more each day. That takes time and effort. Do we know and live our faith in such a way that we are passing it on to future generations as Jesus intended? Are we being good stewards of our faith? When is the last time we made an effort to learn more about our faith? If we have to stop and think, it’s been too long.