Jesus knew his followers would live in a world that is full of temptations – to do evil, to take the easy way out, to take advantage of others to gain wealth and power. He knew we would be challenged to abandon our efforts to know Him and to imitate Him to the best of our ability. Jesus also knew that one of God’s greatest gifts to us is free will – the ability to choose between good and evil, to choose between doing right and doing wrong, to choose between being generous and being selfish. But Jesus taught us by word and deed that being his follower – a Christian – is not about feeling good, it is about doing good. It is not about looking right; it is about doing right. It is not about how much we acquire for ourselves, it is about how much we share with others. God creates us in this world with many temptations so we could demonstrate our love for him by seeking to discern His will and choosing to do His will. Our God is an awesome God!