“If I but touch his cloths I will be cured.”

Many of us learned a valuable lesson in trust and faith from our parents or grandparents with a very simple demonstration. They told us to stand up straight in front of them with our arms stretched out and instructed us to fall back without  bending our knees. It may have taken several attempts before we finally stayed straight, fell back and they caught us. They told us we could always trust them. The disciples of Jesus witnessed many wonders before they had faith in him. Mark tells us of a woman who heard about Jesus and believed that he would cure her if she just touched his clothes. She managed to touch his garment and was cured. But Jesus told her “Your faith has saved you.” He told the same thing to others who believed in him and were cured of illness and evil in their lives. When we believe in the goodness and mercy of our loving God and His desire that we use all He has given us to the best of our ability for ourselves and for others, by imitating Jesus, we can be confident that He is saying to us “Your faith has saved you”.