Holy Trinity Sunday

Today we are celebrating the feast of the Holy Trinity Sunday. The doctrine of three Divine Persons in one God. ” It is our belief and conviction from Jesus’ teaching that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all God. However, these three together are Only One God and not three. “the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God and yet there are not three Gods but One God.

It is hard to explain that. It is a mystery of our faith. We cannot fully understand that. In addition the word Trinity is not found in the Bible. But we have some references: In Matthew when Jesus was about to ascend into Heaven He told His disciples to go to the whole world and preach the good news and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  As we celebrate the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity today, we must pause to reflect on what it means to us a people and Church. What can we learn from the life of the Holy Trinity?

After my second year of philosophy, I was sent to a remote village, very poor, for 2 months. I went there to learn their language, culture and to teach the kids the doctrine for the first communion. It was a beautiful experience. I learned more than what I gave. I was evangelized by this community. It was a school of faith. One of the things I learned is the sense of the solidarity of the people. Very poor but they support (built houses, plant…. ) each other, even the kids.

One day after religious education I gave the kids sandwich and soda. The kids were excited. But there was a kid who did not eat his sandwich. He just drank the soda. I was curious to know why. Maybe something wrong. When I asked that kid why he did not eat his sandwich. He looked at me and said, he will give to his friend who is starving for two days. What more broke my heart is when this kid said: He cannot enjoy the food, he cannot eat meanwhile his friend is dying for hunger. Solidarity and compassion. Conclusion all the kids and myself, we went to visit that family and brought them sandwich and soda. Compassion, solidarity and sharing. I think this is what we learn from the Holy Trinity because we live in selfish and individualist world.

We tend to be central …… We often say: My business, I deserve what I have. It is mine and my family. I don’t care if my neighbor is doing good, or if he has job, or he is sick. I don’t care if people are dying in Syria, Iraq…… by hunger, war, injustice or illness. As members of the same body of Christ, when one member is suffering, it is all the body that is suffering, so, what can we do to express our solidarity to our brothers and sisters who face poverty, war, hunger, illness…..? In solidarity to the needy people around us, what can we do? As children of God, brothers and sisters of the same Father, what can we do to show our communion, unity to those who are suffering?


Fr. Kalombo