Jesus was well acquainted with sheep. Then, as now, herds of sheep were everywhere. In countries like Israel and Jordan sheep have the right of way because they have roamed the land for centuries before modern transportation. But without a shepherd to lead and protect them sheep scatter, may not be able to find food and water, and are defenseless against predators. Jesus saw that the Jewish people of his day were not being lead and protected by their religious leaders. They were scattering and searching for spiritual food and hope, and were under attack by people and leaders of other cultures who tempted them to abandon their God. Jesus saw them like sheep without a shepherd. He started to teach them by word and example. He freed them from the burden of excessive sanitary rules and rituals, and reminded them of what God told them through Moses: “Love your God and love your neighbor as yourself.” It is not complicated but it is not easy. Yet, many believed and followed Jesus. Do we believe and follow Jesus?