None of the Gospels tell the exact details of how four or five thousand men, plus women and children, are fed with a few loaves and fish. The Church teaches us that the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes was a prefiguration of the Body and Blood of Jesus. But let us consider another miracle just as great. Jesus knew the Semitic ethic that required people to share with others. He knew people carried food and wine under their garments, but refrained from taking it out for fear others had brought their own. Note that Jesus blessed the loaves and fish and gave them away. He did not keep any for himself. Did people see his generous act and decide to share what they had with one another? In the context of God’s gifts to us of reason and free will – the ability to choose to be generous or not to be generous, what is the greater miracle: multiplication of loaves and fish, or multiplication of generous hearts? Which makes us a greater witness to the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist.