“He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak. He ordered them not to tell anyone.”


Jesus observed the needs and hurts of people. He helped them understand that their own faith cured them of their afflictions and obsessions. He did not seek praise or rewards. He tried to prevent notoriety or publicity. A simple “Thank you!” is all He expected, but sometimes did not receive. God has graciously and freely given each of us a vast array of gifts. When we use and enjoy them, do we express our gratitude? When we share them with others, do we expect acknowledgment and praise? Do we want our left hand [and everybody else’s hands] to know what our right hand has done? The truly generous person gives until it helps, not until it hurts, and does not seek recognition or reward, except the knowledge of having done what God expects. The true measure of our generosity is the good that we do for others that no one knows about – except God.