It is hard to be in many places in the world without seeing people of all generations using a cell phone to call or text or email someone on the other side of the planet, or sitting across the table. We have come a long way. Or have we? More than half of the world’s population has ever seen a cell phone, or any other kind of phone. On a hillside in Galilee Jesus, without any kind of phone, commissioned His disciples [and us] to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Now, more than two thousand years after His Resurrection, more than half the world does not know Jesus or our Triune God. If half of the world’s population is without a knowledge of a cell or any other phone, that is unfortunate [or maybe not]. But half of the world’s population with no knowledge of our Triune God and Jesus as the Second Person of that Trinity, must be a real disappointment to Him. Are we doing our part to “make disciples of all nations?” What if Jesus is taking names and making notes?