“For if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?”
Feb 25, 2025
Is there someone you really don’t like? Or is there someone you feel you hate. Hopefully you have come to realize that such feelings about people are because of something we believe they did to us, or something they should have done for us, but didn’t. We may waste a lot of time thinking about how we will retaliate. Or we may actually retaliate in some way. But that may lead to serious physical or legal consequences. Ultimately, the time we spend with feelings of dislike or hatred, or the actions we take, do more harm to us than to the other person. That is why Jesus taught his disciples, and through them, taught us, to “love your enemies and do good to them.” Jesus knew there would be people that, for some reason or another, we would not like. Jesus was critical of the chief Priest, Sadducees, Pharisees and the scribes. He loved them enough to challenge them to change. That’s the kind of love he wants us to have for everyone, including our enemies. It is not easy, but that is what Jesus did and what he challenges us to do.