First Sunday of Advent

“Beware that your hearts do not
become drowsy from carousing and
drunkenness and the anxieties of daily
life, and that day catch you by
surprise like a trap.”

As we begin Advent to prepare for the birth of Jesus it is a bit strange to be reading about Jesus preparing his disciples for the Passion, he knew was coming because his was a threat to the Jewish leaders and Roman authorities.  But to fully appreciate and celebrate the Incarnation and Birth of God Made Man, we must reflect upon the reason God became Man and the  consequences he would endure to fulfill such a total act of love.  Jesus is warning his disciples that his life and teaching would be a challenge to many and a threat to the powerful.  He anticipated that his is disciples would be tempted to abandon him when people rejected Him and took steps to silence Him.

So, as we buy all the presents, trim the trees, string the lights, prepare the food and drinks, decorate for the parties, lets us also take time to reflect upon the real reason Jesus came into the world. He came to teach us, by word and example, to love God, and our neighbor as ourselves. Let that be our gift to Jesus and let us never get caught without it “by surprise like a trap.”