Why do we genuflect?  What’s the purpose of Holy Water?  At what point does the bread and wine actually become the Body and Blood of Christ?  How many layers of flowing robes does the priest actually wear?  Why is my Bible different from my neighbor who goes to a nondenominational church?  What do ashes symbolize?  Where do they come from? Why do we use incense?  Who chooses the scripture readings that are read at Mass?
What’s the difference in a little ‘s’ sacramental and a big ‘S’ Sacramental?  Why do Catholics confess their sins to a priest?  What’s the deal with Mary?  How can we live a faith we don’t understand?

The program that we’ll be using for RCIA this year is called Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, by Dr. Edward Sri and the Augustine Institute. It is a highly-acclaimed video series with supportive materials that allow for the RCIA experience to be one similar to that of a small faith sharing group. It is for that reason that I am extending the invitation to participate in the Symbolon study to our greater church community. In these video sessions, we’ll walk through the entirety of the Catholic Faith with clear and comprehensive explanations of the core teachings of the Church, Scripture, history, the sacraments, and living out the life of faith, all filmed on location at some of the most beautiful and captivating treasures of our Church around the world.

Join us as we fall madly in love with the beauty that is Catholicism.

~ Laura Shoulders