“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” “On the evening of that first day of the week” Jesus appeared to his disciples who were in a room behind locked doors. He said, “Peace be with you” and breathed on them and gave them the power to forgive sins. He passed on to them the responsibility for his mission and message. Thomas was not with them and had some doubts. A week later they were still hiding behind locked doors, but now Thomas was with them. He saw Jesus and proclaims, “My Lord and my God.” Jesus knew that Thomas and the others believed because they had seen. He also knew others who had not seem him would come to believe. That is us. Fortunately, we have the faith of Thomas, the other disciples, and billions who have believed in Jesus over 2000+ years to support our faith in Jesus as our Risen Lord. What are we doing to deserve that faith? What are we doing to nurture our faith? What are we doing that will lead others to believe in Jesus because of our faith? What are we doing to carry on the mission and spread the
Gospel of Jesus?