“Come see a man who told me everything I have done”

“Could he possibly be the Christ?”

Imagine an encounter with someone “who told me everything I have done.” That would be very impressive but could also be embarrassing and uncomfortable. We all have things in our life we would rather be kept secret. The Samaritan woman was at the well at noon to get her daily ration of water. Other women probably went to the well early in the morning. Jesus would have understood that she was trying to avoid the other women who gossiped about her because she had five husbands, and was not married to the man she was with. Jesus did not avoid or reject her. Instead, he ask her for a drink and offers her the waters of eternal life. He ask nothing of her but true sorrow for the sin in her life. God knows the sin in our life and ask only that we acknowledge and sincerely seek to avoid that sin in the future. That is how we are stewards of all the good God has given us.