“Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.”

Brothers, Simon and Andrew, presumably like their father and many generations before them, were fisherman on the deep and sometimes treacherous Sea of Galilee. They tended their nets, repaired their boats, went out on the waters day and night in hope of finding fish to fill their nets. If they were fortunate to make a catch they had to manually haul in their nets, row to shore, dock their boats, sort their catch, bring them to market, and do it all over again as soon as possible.

It was a tough life and they were rugged people. Jesus calls them to become fishers of men. Mark tells us they abandoned their nets and followed Jesus. They probably continued fishing to earn a livelihood, but they did follow Jesus to learn from his teaching and carry on his mission. They eventually learn that fishing for men is at least as difficult and dangerous as fishing for fish, if not more so. Through Simon, called Peter, and Andrew, Jesus is calling us to fishers of others by imitating him and being a person for others. Are we willing to follow Jesus?