Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage Route in Spain

About a month ago, in my homily I spoke of a pilgrimage I hiked while living in Italy. After the Masses that weekend several people spoke to me about how they had wanted to do something similar in their life. Well, for some time now I have wanted to hike the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in Spain. The Camino de Santiago simply means the way of St. James. It is an ancient pilgrimage route marking the trek into Compestella to visit the remains of St. James. Through the centuries, this pilgrimage route countless conversions and miracles are attributed to this pilgrimage route. Most recently a movie called The Way starring Martin Sheen illustrates one person’s journey on this ancient pilgrimage route.

I have long wished to participate in this pilgrimage, and decided that I will be joining a good friend next year to walk this journey. With this being stated, in July of 2020 Father Gary Clark and I will be travelling on the Camino de Santiago. Last year, Father Gary walked 211 kilometers of the Camino Frances. We intend to walk the same trek again in July of next year. The plan will be to fly to Spain on Monday July 13th, 2020 and to return to the United States on Friday July 24th, 2020. At this time Father Gary and I, are extending this invitation to those who might be interested in such a pilgrimage. If you are looking for something to help you grow in your faith, I invite you to prayerfully consider joining us on this pilgrimage.

At this time, we estimate that the cost of the trip will be about $2,000 per person. If you are interested in walking with us on the Camino email me at or Fr. Gary Clark at If you are interested but do not have two weeks of vacation do not let that stop you. Send us an email and we will give you some options that you can consider. We hope to hear from you soon. God bless you and Buen Camino!