Be Watchful, Be Alert: First Sunday of Advent

Today is the beginning of the Season of Advent.  This is the first Sunday of Advent.  Advent is a time when we prepare for Christ’s coming into the world.  Jesus is coming , are you ready to welcome Him ? If Jesus came back today would you rejoice or would you be sad? Would you be happy with your life or would you be embarrassed and ashamed of your life? How do we prepare for Christ’s return ? If Jesus comes again during this Advent season, will we be caught praying or shopping? Will we be found teaching others about Christ or will we be standing in line at the mall?
In today’s gospel, Jesus says : Be alert ! Beware….Watch your hearts. It is Advent . Today is the beginning of Advent, a season which we prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus. Advent is a time of grace , time to examine our lives, time to deep our relationship with God, time to break the routine of life. Advent is a time to prepare ourselves for 3 comings of Jesus :

  • In the first coming we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birthday of Jesus, He came into the world 2000 years ago.
  • In the second coming we prepare ourselves for the second coming of Jesus.
  • In the third coming , we prepare our hearts to receive Jesus who comes to us in the ordinary people and events in our lives.

This is the core message of Advent. This is what we are called to be prepared. Because Jesus is the reason for the season of Advent.  Jesus is the reason for Christmas. He should attract our attention in the midst of rushing to get everything ready for Christmas.  But, too often, there are many distractions that surrounded the season of Advent. When you watch TV or you listen to the radio, all is about Christmas shopping. All around us , are signs that Christmas is coming. Stores are filled with Christmas decorations. Christmas cards arriving in the mailbox. Christmas parties at Work, at school, and at Church. The weeks before Christmas are very busy. There are many signs that Christmas is coming. That is fine. Most the time, we are distracted by doing many things, decorating the tree , preparing for Christmas dinner, and buying Christmas cards, and we forget that Jesus is the reason of Advent and Christmas.

That is why, in today’s gospel, Jesus gives a warning.  He calls our attention. He says: Be alert.  Be vigilant that nothing distract us to receive Jesus who is coming in our hearts. Be vigilant that our hearts do not be trapped by the the anxieties of daily life. Jesus recommends us to watch our hearts… examine our lives and to be aware of the many distractions. Jesus says, be vigilant and watch yourselves……watch your hearts, maybe there are things that need to be removed or fixed in your hearts. Maybe anger, jealousy, pride, selfishness, resentment. Watch your life, watch your hearts, maybe you need more peace, love, kindness, forgiveness, compassion and mercy so that you discover Jesus in the people you meet every day, especially the needy people.

Watch yourselves, watch your life, watch your faith, watch your commitment, your relationship with God. Maybe you need to be, more generous, engaged, and more sensitive to the needs of others.  Advent is a season to restart our lives, to come to a conversion of heart as we prepare to stand before the Son of Man. This is the first day of Advent and the trains are pulling out of the station. On which train will you be traveling? So, I encourage you to make this Advent, a special time for your life.   More spiritual attitude and less decorations so that Jesus should be the reason of Advent.  Let us pray. Let us ask God the grace to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus in our lives. to help us let go of things that really don’t matter. I wish you all a Blessed Advent preparation for Christmas.

Fr. Kalombo