“Ah, Jesus, can’t I just keep my smart phone or tablet?” Jesus might point out that He said denounce [from the Latin words re=back and nuntiare=tell, meaning: To give up a claim, right, belief, practice, way of living, feeling, etc.] Jesus might add, “You may USE your smart phone or tablet, but you may not claim that they, or anything else you think you own, actually belongs to you. Everything you think you possess comes from God and belongs to God, who wants you to have what you need to enjoy life, but not if that means others must do without the necessities of life. That is a hard concept for people in the United States, who cling doggedly to the right to property, to understand and accept. As stewards of all God gave us He expects us to work out how much we need for ourselves and those for whom we are responsible, and how much we should share with others in need. So Jesus would probably say, “Enjoy MY smart phone and tablet, and let others enjoy them too.”