“A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.”

Many people want to be a prophet in our current age, particularly when the Power Ball and Mega Millions lotteries rise to hundreds of millions of dollars.  However, few of us would have wanted to be prophets for the Chosen People before the time of Christ, or like John the Baptist and Jesus.  Such prophets observed the silly, senseless, stupid and sinful things in their time, and they called for CHANGE.  The people of their time did not like CHANGE and they rejected the prophet who called for CHANGE.  We do not like CHANGE or the person who calls us to CHANGE. When we were baptized we were anointed “priest, prophet and king.” We have the responsibility to observe the silly, senseless, stupid and sinful things in our time, and call for CHANGE. It is part of our obligation as disciples and imitators of Jesus.  And we can expect to be treated like Jesus, John the Baptist, and the prophets before them, when we CHANGE and call others to CHANGE. But Jesus assured us, “A prophet is not without honor . . .” in his eyes.