A Message from Fr. Will

Working at Sts. Joseph and Paul is a true blessing to me. I thank you for your continued hospitality as I transition into the parish. One question I am often asked is what exactly it is that I do as a canon lawyer. To begin with, I think it is worth noting that Canon Law is the oldest continually functioning legal system in the Western World. It is the internal legal system of the Catholic Church. As such, my expertise focuses upon the legal aspects of the Church. Canon Law impacts and influences everything in the Catholic Church.

Canon Law covers everything from the protection of rights in the Church, to the celebration of the Sacraments, to the establishment of particular law of the diocese and the parish. I spend about half of my time as a canon lawyer reviewing marriage cases for annulments in the Church. My role as the defender of the bond and the promoter of justice ensures that a just outcome takes place in a marriage trial. The other half of my time, I spend addressing things that people bring before me as a canon lawyer. At times, this involves helping formulate law for the diocese, other times I help come up with an answer to a situation that arises that needs addressing.

The role of the canon lawyer is to ensure that justice, truth and mercy are present in every relationship in the Church. Whether it is the bishop, the pastor, couples in marriage preparation or children preparing for their sacraments, the role of the canon lawyer is to ensure that justice, truth and mercy are present in each situation. As you can imagine, I spend a great deal of my time researching what the law of the Church states about a given situation. It is only after doing this research that I can give an answer to the people seeking my help. When I am not serving in the tribunal, I have the great privilege of serving the people here at Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church.