A Message from Fr. Kalombo


“Whose image is this and whose inscription?” They replied, “Caesar’s”.  The image or name of emperors and kings was often embossed on the coins minted during their reign, both out of vanity (some even proclaimed themselves gods) and as a demonstration of dominance.  During the life of Jesus the coins of the Roman Empire bore the image of Caesar. People living under Roman rule, either by choice or conquest, depended on Caesar for protection and commerce. Jesus recognizes the trap the Pharisees laid for him. They understood his response: To the extent that you depend on Caesar as the source of your life and existence, then “repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” But, if you recognize and accept that you are made in the image and likeness of God; and acknowledge God as the source of all that you are, all that you have, and all that you ever will be, then “repay to God what belongs to God.”  Who is our God? Whom do we recognize as the source of  all that we are? How do we repay to Him?