A Message from Fr. Kalombo

“Jesus again spoke to the chief priest and elders of the people in parables . . .” Jesus told many parables. They were stories, not necessarily based on fact, but that communicated an important  truth. Jesus used parables to get the attention of the people and to make them think. Jesus even used parables to teach truth to the “chief priest and elders of the people.” And apparently, they listened to him. He tells them about a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. The servants that were sent to the “invited guest” are mistreated and killed. The king fills the feast with people ordinarily thought unworthy.

God invites us to a great feast – the wonderful world he has created for us. Unfortunately we can create our own small world filled with our own self-centered interest and ignore the opportunity to share with others in God’s world and the joy of growing in our relationship with God. The chief priest understood that Jesus was challenging them to be better.

Do we understand he is challenging us as well?