A few notes from the journal of Melvin Fleischmann, who at 89 years old, made the mission trip to Lalomas Haiti in January 2019.

Thursday My first trip to Haiti. Left Sts Joe and Paul 2 am, Thursday arrived in Lalomas about 5:30 pm in afternoon. Fr. Maxime graciously greeted us. We stayed in his rectory and their healthy roosters crowed all night.

Friday Fr. Kalombo celebrated with Fr. Maximum for an early morning Mass. Garry interpreted the homily for me. He is a thoughtful person. Visited with Tito and his family. Ronald, a 13 year old who lost his arm in an old sorghum press 3 years ago is doing well. This is a very poor country: no running water, no electricity, dirt roads only. The worst roads we have here are better than their best ones. Said night prayers, then sleep time.

Saturday We washed dozens of children’s hair with fungus treatment. A group of us walked to the river bank about 1/2 mile, filled several 5 gallon jugs with water from pipes that came from a reservoir from the mountain. Later we filtered some of it with the water filters that Sts. Joe and Paul sent. With Lee Franey as the “Dentist” and Marty Clouse as “Assistant”, a three hour dental clinic was open and they cleaned and examined about 45 children’s teeth and gave them toothpaste and toothbrushes.

The community had a dance for us Saturday night and some of us danced!   A few notes about my trip…I slept on the roof of the rectory one night, was Eucharistic minister for Sunday Mass, handed out rosaries and prayer cards. Even though they are very poor, and many wash their clothes in the river, every child wears a clean uniform to school each day. On Sundays for Mass the people were dressed in their very best. Several children are in great need of backpacks, all sizes and all kinds as well as pens, pencils, chalk and shoes for school because they cannot wear sandals. They also need sponsorship for tuition.

How did I get to Lalomas Haiti? Nearly a year ago a young lady casually told me of her trip to our twinning parish in Haiti. For me this was food for thought. After encouragement from our pastor Fr. Kalombo, Fr. Basilio, our parish family, my children and twin brother Conrad, I decided to make the trip. God put the puzzle pieces together and with the kindness, thoughtfulness and blessings of our group, here I am again back home with all my family. Yes, Jesus has blessed me many times.

PS. Someone said, “Melvin, you need more patience waiting for your coffee with hazelnut creamer.”