Jesus reminds us of the command God gave the Israelites through Moses to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Leviticus 19:18/Luke 10:27). Next, Jesus tells us to “Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you.” (Matthew 5:43, Luke 6:27). Psychologists now realize that we must love ourselves to be able to love others. That is how God created us. Sadly, many of us do not love ourselves enough to feel that we can be loved by others, or even by God. And there is the risk that the only one we love is ourselves. Jesus takes love to a new dimension. “Love one another as I have loved you”-unconditionally; without a pre-condition of recognition; without expectation of being loved in return. God made us stewards of His love for ourselves and for others. Are we ready to give an account of our stewardship when Jesus ask, “What have you done with My love?” How have you loved one another as I love you?